THE first stage of exciting re-development plans for Ardrossan's South Beach has been completed.

The project, being carried out by the Ardrossan Community Development Trust (ACDT), will see new playparks, a revamped crazy golf course and new toilets alongside a community cafe hub created - once the existing toilet block is demolished - on the prom.

Work began on the development at the beginning of August and at the end of last month the ACDT announced the completion of the first phase of works.

The completion of this phase has seen new playparks open on either side of the footway, across from the Lauriston Hotel, leading down to the prom. The parks have been surrounded by a shrub maze.

One of the standout features within the new parks is the wheelchair swing, designed to make playtime accessible to everyone.

While the Trust say they are thrilled to have it in place, they want to let everyone know that it won't be in full use until the existing toilet block is demolished and the new café and community hub is rebuilt.

At that stage - expected to be early 2024 - staff will be permanently on site which they say is essential to ensure the safety and convenience of users.

In the meantime, ACDT encourage any community groups, schools or carers to request access by contacting their office in advance on 01294 608162 or emailing and they will do our best to accommodate any needs.

There have been a handful of setbacks in this early stage of the project, which is backed by National Lottery community funding of nearly £250,000.

Finishing touches are still to be sanctioned including the colourful coating which is to be added to the tarmac paths that have been added and the area immediately behind the shrub maze requires some turfing to tidy it up.

ACDT hope to have both of these items taken care of in the coming weeks and advise that this will not prevent anyone enjoying all new elements that the added features have delivered.

However, one part of the first phase which was intended to be delivered has been delayed for a longer period.

As part of the project - being delivered by the trust alongside partners Cunninghame Housing Association, North Ayrshire Council, Mike Hyatt Architects, and Wave Particle - the reintroduction of the crazy golf course was intended to take place during phase one.

However, the crazy golf won't be completed until spring 2024.

This delay is due to the need for an epoxy coating, which is temperature-sensitive and requires the right window of opportunity for application.

Scott Mould, Chairperson of ACDT, said: “It has been so exciting and humbling at the same time to see the playpark come to fruition for residents and the many visitors to the amazing shore front that is Ardrossan South Beach.

"Having seen this project develop from conversations in a room to larger engagement events with community to plans being drawn and it now see it opened at South Beach is simply amazing.

"The opening of South Beach playpark phase one is a testament to the power of community empowerment and the impact residents can have in their immediate locality.

"Engaging with our residents, taking ownership and developing our own communities is what community wealth building is all about."

The Trust also looked to thanks its membership, as well as those who made the development possible thus far.

Scott added: "We extend our gratitude to our contractors, Landcare Solutions and to Mike Hyatt Architects, Wave Particle and A.D.A. Construction Consultants for their outstanding work.

"ACDT are committed to making South Beach Playpark an inclusive and exciting place for everyone in our community and visitors alike.

"We are now working hard to deliver the new café and community hub on the Prom and to provide permanent access to the wheelchair which should complete early Spring 2024.”